Business areas/

Forward-facing Communication departments

The communication field has expanded drastically in the last twenty years, and many communication departments struggle with their role and how to adapt for the future.

New touchpoints and channels to the decision-makers, financial market, society, potential and existing clients and employees have created a new map. What before was communicated to well-defined target groups through roles, processes and channels, is now much more blurry. New responsibilities, jobs and processes have been added inside the communication department but also in other parts of the organisation.

Communication and Marketing have often become entwined, and it’s hard to say where one starts and the other ends. Many companies have started the journey towards an integration of the two – a road that often turns out to be bumpy and complex.

The result is that many communication departments simply don’t work as well as they should. Many duplications, confusions, and complications have crept in. There’s rarely been time to resolve them, because urgency always wins.

There is not enough clarity about how decisions are made, too many stakeholders involved and meetings, meetings, meetings. People don’t deliver on their potential and creative value gets left on the table.

Most communication organisations have improvements in both efficiency and effectiveness within their grasp. They just have to grab hold of them.

What we do

At Kapero we help companies take a step away from “friendly reminders” and “please prioritise this” in order to find a new way forward. A future proof solution needs to be built on real insights from the challenges in the daily operations across business areas and sales regions. The solution is often to do less activities with better quality. Supported by the right organisational structures, efficient processes and effective planning.

How we work

We start with interviews* and data analysis to get a deep understanding of the challenges and root-causes. Based on this we develop future scenarios and calculate potentials, as well as a roadmap on how to get there. After that we develop the solutions together with key players in the organisation – making the implementation much easier to succeed.

*It’s actually more of an informal conversation. Most of our clients refer to them as “therapy”.

What we deliver

The outcomes for our clients are usually about:
> Fewer roles, less hierarchy and clearer mandates
> Clear connection between goals, budgets and planning.
> Shorter and faster processes
> Fewer activities with better quality
> Improved collaboration between departments, territories and regions
> Improved employee satisfaction, empowered organisation
> Supplier structure streamlined
> Simplified KPI-structure and follow-up processes.

There is not enough clarity about how decisions are made, too many stakeholders involved and meetings, meetings, meetings. People don’t deliver on their potential and creative value gets left on the table.

— Kaj Johansson, Co-founder, Kapero

Engineering for Happiness
We are management consultants who apply engineering skills to help marketing functions and media companies work better. Over the years we’ve come to understand that this brings not just better business, but happier employees.

People are happier both when they are well organised (efficient) and getting great results (effective).

In practice they get happier because:
> Everyone has clear responsibilities.
> They avoid endless meetings.
> Their roles are neither too small nor too vast.
> The CEO can see the value of what they do.
> They get a decision not a ‘slow no.’
> They’re a tight team, not a bloated rabble.
> Their work gets recognised.
> Their work drives the business.